Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lawmakers Seek Funding Ceiling, Clarity on BLM Wild Horse Management Plan - Full Article

A bipartisan group of lawmakers have asked those in charge of reconciling Department of the Interior 2020 funding bills to limit new revenue earmarked for the BLM’s wild horse program and to clarify language pertaining to how appropriated funds are used to control wild herd population growth.

Posted by Pat Raia | Dec 19, 2019

A bipartisan group of lawmakers have asked those in charge of reconciling Department of the Interior 2020 funding bills to limit new revenue earmarked for the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) wild horse program and to clarify language pertaining to how appropriated funds are used to control wild herd population growth. The request is in response to a Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2020, funding report.

Earlier this year the BLM adopted a pilot project calling for, among other things, strategic gathers that targeted herds in highly populated HMAs and a “robust” pilot program for wild herd management.

In a Dec. 10 letter, Rep. Raul M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, and a nonpartisan group of lawmakers asked senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and others involved in reconciling the House and Senate Interior, Environment appropriations bills to cap additional funding for BLM at $6 million, as contained in the House bill. It also calls on lawmakers to clarify report language so the new funding can only be used to underwrite porcine zona pelucida (PZP, used for fertility control) vaccine use and to ensure the report language bans using funds for surgical sterilization procedures...

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Friday, December 20, 2019

Ginger Kathrens: Wild horses groomed as scapegoats for public land destruction - Full Article

December 19 2019
By Ginger Kathrens | Special to The Tribune

A spending bill passed by the U.S. Senate on Oct. 31 offers the Bureau of Land Management a $35 million appropriation to reduce wild horse and burro populations in Western states by two-thirds.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Humane Society of the United States laud the extra funding as a measure to prevent slaughter by funding a “non-lethal” fertility control program, but there are serious flaws in this thinking.

To date, no funding is specifically designated for humane, targeted fertility control, an approach supported by the vast majority of wild horse advocates.

This means BLM can spend the allocated funds to pursue its long-term goal: rounding up and removing wild horses to extinction levels, perpetuating this never-ending cycle at enormous expense to the American public. This is wild horse persecution, not protection...

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bureau of Land Management Plots the Absolute Destruction of 5 Wild Horse Herds in Wyoming - Full Article

By Carol Walker as published on Wild Hoofbeats

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has released a Scoping Document with a 30 day public comment period on 5 of the largest wild horse herds in Wyoming:

Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek, Great Divide Basin, White Mountain and Little Colorado.

I have been visiting, observing and photographing the wild horses in these 5 herds since 2004.

The BLM claims that these herds are “overpopulated” even though they completed a roundup of three herds, Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek and Great Divide Basin only 2 years ago. The last roundup and removal in White Mountain and Little Colorado was in 2011.

The BLM provides figures of their wild horse population estimates in these 5 herds using a flyover and a statistical double-count method, and one of the new changes is that now any horse over the low range of AML is considered “excess” – this is not how an excess determination is made. For example, the BLM says there are 929 wild horses in Adobe Town and the AML is 600-800, so the actual “excess” is only 129 horses not 329. This change does make a difference and is the creative math that the BLM uses to justify their actions. They are also now counting foals which they have never done before in their population estimates. This allows them to pad their counts and justify a roundup.

The population estimates for these 5 herds swing wildly and unbelievably from year to year. Basing the need for a roundup on the BLM’s figures is absurd. There is a need for an actual count of wild horses to be done in EVERY HMA by an independent agency. Without that, it leaves the BLM open to distort their statistics any time they want to justify “excess” horses to do a roundup...

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Shrinking wild horse and burro populations to cost $5 billion: BLM - Full Article

By Miranda Green - 10/23/19 02:57 PM EDT

The Trump administration is estimating that it will cost nearly $5 billion over the next 15 years to shrink the country's population of wild horses and burros by more than two-thirds to a number officials say is sustainable for the herd.

On a call with reporters Wednesday, acting Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director William Pendley warned that the growing number of wild horses and burros on federal land, largely out West, has become "an increasingly difficult situation."

“It’s not good for the horses and burros to have these kinds of populations. It’s detrimental to their health and the health of other wildlife and plant species we maintain. It’s simply not sustainable,” Pendley said.

The agency estimates there are 88,000 horses and burros on public lands, mostly in Nevada. Pendley said experts say that number must be decreased to 27,000 to be sustainable for both the animals and the lands on which they graze...

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Wild Horses Find Sanctuary at Skydog Ranch in Oregon - Full Article Over 300 wild horses and 50 burros saved after their capture now call 9,000 acres of breathtaking, rugged l...